Thursday, March 14, 2024, at the prestigious headquarters of Castello Mackenzie in Genoa, Cambi Auction House presents the awaited live auction "Ancient and Rare Books, Antique Prints, Views and Maps". The auction presents a heterogeneous selection of books, manuscripts, engravings, ancient maps.

The rich catalogue consists of three sections: a part dedicated to the Ancient masters of engraving, including a small collection of engravings by Canaletto as well as sheets of Durer, Rembrandt, Goya and many others; another macro-section collects Maps, views and decorative prints, in which there is a wide selection of maps from the most significant Atlas published in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries and different views of cities, city plants, decorative prints, including a significant collection of Venetian prints and concerning Venice and the Venetian domains.

In the third section, focused on ancient and rare books, the most substantial, stands out a wide selection of printed editions, from the origins (15th century) to the twentieth century. Among the most precious lots, there is a large collection of books of epic chivalry printed from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, along with a collection of books on Bergamo and Bergamo history and some incunabula of various subjects. Many of the sixteenth and the six cents in the catalog. Finally, a significant and interesting choice of geographical atlases.

Among the books to report individually, we certainly mention Colonna Francesco, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Venice, 1545. Rare second edition that follows the first of 1499. Printed by the heirs of Aldo Manuzio who printed the first. Considered, especially for its iconographic apparatus, the masterpiece of the Venetian typographical renaissance and one of the most beautiful and desired books by bibliophiles. We also mention 0rtelius Abrams, Theatrum orbis Terrarum , Antwerp, 1571-1573. Magnificent collector’s edition of this valuable second edition, containing 71 papers finely colored by hand.

Among the most important lots, we find Coronelli Vincenzo, Atlante Veneto tomo primo Venezia, 1690-95. Beautiful example of one of the most significant works of the famous geographer and cosmographer of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

It stands out in the catalogue, Logge di Raffaello incise dal Volpato and other famous Venetian engravers. Secolo XVIII. Album that collects the 30 most significant large format plates, a documentation of one of the masterpieces of decorative art of all time by the most famous urbinate.

Also unmissable are Diderot and D'Alembert’s L'Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, Paris, 1751-1772. First edition in original binding and splendid conservation. Monument of culture, summa and synthesis of the Enlightenment, milestone of modern culture.

Finally we mention, of La Fontaine, Chagal l,Fables, Paris, Teriade, 1952. Illustrated by 100 original etchings of the Russian master.

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Antique Books and Prints
Gianni Rossi
Erica Di Caro

Erica Di Caro

Antique Books and Prints