Collectible Silverware | Antique - I


Versatoio. India, XIX secolo

€ 1.600,00 / 2.000,00
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Versatoio. India, XIX secolo

Argento fuso sbalzato e cesellato
gr 1700 Alt. Cm 37
Corpo piriforme finemente decorato a cesello con motivi fitomorfi, volute e cartouches. Iscrizione con dedica e data 1852: “ Presented by the directors of the India general steam navigation company to captain Peter Garforth rengal engineers supervisor of ganges works. In grateful testimony of his prompt and valuable assistance in floating the companys cargo vessel Kalee when grounded off.
Allahabad, in Sug-Sept 1852”
Live auction 945

Collectible Silverware | Antique - I

tue 11 June 2024
SINGLE SESSION 11/06/2024 Hours 14:00
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